Friday, November 13, 2009

his division at conquest

1 comment:

  1. I'm not "cur" it's a berlusconi etc. The new infection is berlusconi double split channel that watch's species extinction slide show with ich ich ich cause the pig prefers shit & vomit. He blames actors and is more extreme in his biocide
    More certainly I'm in a computer hell of freezing accounts and keying trouble every once and a while a berlu channel returns too make the curser wiggle to pull a few 1000
    They think Obama the President was conscious
    of called it wed psycho when he was 13 yrs old and figured it was from Rome
    For those in the industry their is some concern that Berlusconis' double split channels are the ones that call elections 17 years in advance and where he called mcguintys' provincial election with 7 now he is trying to Islamo rig it at 4. 2 certainly double split "origin refuse" channels and maybe McGuinty and Dublin psycho were conscious of it. That's for Prime minister McGuilty [that's McGuinty with the spell check] This is the sort of shit their into with God label trickery & called scams ... ...
    Part of the Berlu pigs crule joy split channel is pushing for an Anarchy farming of Ms. Royal wed to Mcguint after her retirement Queen de cAnAdA ... the idiots are very disapointed , they have their system of denial and anesthetic and never complain of the murder etc. So what was everything dead in Port Perry etc is now round 2 of overtly biocide Berlusconi with his false ID of me primarily blaming the new dracule British teen heart throb as his blame 1
